Holiday Service Opportunites
We've put together several opportunities for you to serve your church and community this holiday season. Please check out the options and then sign up to participate! There is also the possibility of ordering a holiday meal to be picked up or delivered for a friend or neighbor in need. Please use the sign up form below to request this option, and let us know in the comments box how many meals you need, and if you'll be ;picking up or need delivery. Thank you!
Gift Basket Assembly
Sat Nov 20th
Bring the family and join our assembly line at the church from 10 am to 12 pm to assemble gift baskets to be distributed to the church family.
We need at least 12 volunteers.
Gift Basket Delivery
Sun Nov 21st
Make some deliveries after church on this Sunday to those who are unable to attend in person. Grab a friend and sign up to make deliveries.
We need 6 driving teams of 2.
Decorating Prep
Sun Nov 28th
We need help getting the Christmas decorations out of the attic. We also need some men or strong women to help get the garland around the cross. Join us right after service.
We need 6 volunteers.
the Halls
Mon Nov 29th
Come young and old to adorn our building with beauty for the Christmas Season. We will be serving at the church from 10 am-1 pm. Come for any amount of time that you can.
We need at least 12 volunteers.